Exam Scenario 1



Use the repo below to create VMs for this practice exam:

Validation Playbook

After completing all the tasks on this page you can run a validation playbook to check that all steps were completed.

a. SSH to the control node as the 'vagrant' user

b. Browse to /rhce-practice-exam/rhce8/exam1/validation

c. Run the validate.yml playbook:

ansible-playbook validate.yml -k

The playbook will tell you which task (question) has a failure. Review the playbook output to identify where exactly is the error.


Answers can also be found in the answers folder. I would advise to only use it as last resort.

Sample Exam Questions

Note: Some questions may depend on the outcome of others. Please read all questions before proceeding.

Task 1: Ansible Configuration

  • Create a regular user 'automation' with the password of 'devops'. Use this user for all sample exam tasks.
  • All files that you create for this sample exam should be stored in /home/automation/plays.
  • All playbooks should exist under /home/automation/plays/playbooks.
  • Create a configuration file /home/automation/plays/ansible.cfg to meet the following requirements:
    • The roles path should include /home/automation/plays/roles, as well as any other path that may be required for the course of the sample exam.
    • The inventory file path is /home/automation/plays/inventory.
    • Privileged escalation is disabled by default.
    • Ansible should be able to manage 10 hosts at a single time.
    • Ansible should connect to all managed nodes using the 'automation' user.

Create an inventory file /home/automation/plays/inventory with the following:

  • 'node1.ansi.example.com' should be a member of the 'proxy' host group.
  • 'node2.ansi.example.com' should be a member of the 'webservers' host group.
  • 'node3.ansi.example.com' should be a member of the 'webservers' and 'database' host group.
  • 'node4.ansi.example.com' should be a member of the 'database' host group.

Task 2: Ad-Hoc Commands

  • Create an SSH keypair (id_rsa and id_rsa.pub).
  • Write a script /home/automation/plays/adhoc.sh that uses Ansible ad-hoc commands to achieve the following:
    • User 'automation' is created on all inventory hosts.
    • SSH key (that you generated) is copied to all inventory hosts for the 'automation' user and stored in /home/automation/.ssh/authorized_keys.
    • The 'automation' user is allowed to elevate privileges on all inventory hosts without having to provide a password.
    • After running the ad-hoc script, you should be able to SSH into all inventory hosts using the 'automation' user without password, as well as a run all privileged commands.

Task 3: File Content

Create a playbook /home/automation/plays/playbooks/motd.yml that runs on all inventory hosts and does the following:

  • The playbook should replace any existing content of /etc/motd with text. Text depends on the host group:
    • On hosts in the 'proxy' host group the line should be “Welcome to HAProxy server”.
    • On hosts in the 'webservers' host group the line should be “Welcome to Apache server”.
    • On hosts in the 'database' host group the line should be “Welcome to MySQL server”.

Task 4: Configure SSH Server

Create a playbook /home/automation/plays/playbooks/sshd.yml that runs on all inventory hosts and configures SSHD daemon as follows:

  • The banner is set to /etc/motd
  • X11Forwarding is disabled
  • MaxAuthTries is set to 3

Task 5: Ansible Vault

  • Create the Ansible vars file /home/automation/plays/vars/secret.yml and add the following variables to the file:
    • 'user_password' with value of 'devops'
    • 'database_password' with value of 'devops'
  • Create the Ansible password file /home/automation/plays/vault_key and add 'devops' as the vault password.
  • Add the the vault password file to ansible.cfg
  • Encrypt the vars file secret.yml.

Task 6: Users and Groups

You have been provided with the list of dictonary of users below. Use /home/automation/plays/vars/user_list.yml file to save this content:

- username: alice
uid: 1201
- username: vincent
uid: 1202
- username: sandy
uid: 2201
- username: patrick
uid: 2202

Create the playbook /home/automation/plays/playbooks/users.yml that uses the encrypted vars file /home/automation/plays/secret.yml to achieve the following:

  • Users whose user ID starts with 1 should be created on servers in the 'webservers' host group. User password should be used from the 'user_password' variable.
  • Users whose user ID starts with 2 should be created on servers in the 'database' host group. User password should be used from the 'user_password' variable.
  • All users should be members of a supplementary group 'wheel'.
  • Shell should be set to /bin/bash for all users.
  • Account passwords should use the SHA512 hash format.
  • Password should only be updated on user creation.
  • Each user should have an SSH key uploaded based on the group
    • Create a separate key pairs for each group locally (webservers_rsa and database_rsa) and upload them with the playbook to the respective server groups

After running the playbook, users should be able to SSH into their respective servers without passwords (e.g.: from one webserver node to the other webserver node).

Task 7: Scheduled Tasks

Create the playbook /home/automation/plays/playbooks/regular_tasks.yml that runs on servers in the 'proxy' host group and does the following:

  • A root crontab record is created that runs every hour.
  • The cron job appends the file /var/log/time.log with the output from the date command.

Task 8: Software Repositories

Create the playbook /home/automation/plays/playbooks/repository.yml that runs on all servers and does the following:

  • A YUM repository file is created called 'rpms.repo'.
  • The ID of the repositories in that file are 'BaseOS' and 'AppStream'.
  • The name of the repositories are is 'BaseOS on repo.ansi.example.com' and 'AppStream on repo.ansi.example.com.
  • Repositories should point to 'http://repo.ansi.example.com/BaseOS' and 'http://repo.ansi.example.com/AppStream'
  • Disable the existing 'Base' and 'Apps' repo (ipa.repo)

Task 9: Create and Work with Roles - MariaDB

Create a role called 'sample-mysql' and store it in /home/automation/plays/roles. The role should satisfy the following requirements:

  • A primary partition number 1 of size 800MB on device /dev/sdb is created.
  • An LVM volume group called vg_database is created that uses the primary partition created above.
  • An LVM logical volume called lv_mysql is created of size 512MB in the volume group vg_database.
  • An XFS filesystem on the logical volume lv_mysql is created.
  • Logical volume lv_mysql is permanently mounted on /mnt/mysql_backups.
  • 'mariadb' package is installed.
  • Firewall is configured to allow all incoming traffic on for 'MySQL' on 'TCP' port '3306'.
  • MySQL root user password should be set from the variable 'database_password' (see task #5).
  • A my.cnf file should be created for root with the credentials.
  • MySQL server should be started and enabled on boot.
  • MySQL server configuration file /etc/my.cnf.d/mariadb-server.cnf is generated from the my.cnf.j2 Jinja2 template with the following content:
bind_address = {{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}



Create a playbook /home/automation/plays/playbooks/mysql.yml that uses the role and runs on hosts in the 'database' group.

Task 10: Create and Work with Roles - Apache

Create a role called 'sample-apache' and store it in /home/automation/plays/roles. The role should satisfy the following requirements:

  • The 'httpd', 'mod_ssl' and 'php' packages are installed. Apache service is running and enabled on boot.
  • Firewall is configured to allow all incoming traffic for 'HTTP' (TCP port '80') and 'HTTPS' (TCP port '443').
  • Apache service should be restarted every time the files /var/www/html/index.html or /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf are modified.
  • Identify the facts variable that stores the internal IPv4 address, which is the same as in the inventory file (your VM might have more than one address).
  • The Listen directive should be Listen [internal IPv4 address variable]:80 (without the [])
  • A Jinja2 template file index.html.j2 is used to create the file /var/www/html/index.html with the following content:
The address of the server is: [internal IPv4 address variable]

Create the playbook /home/automation/plays/playbooks/apache.yml that uses the role and runs on hosts in the 'webservers' host group.

Task 11: Download Roles From Ansible Galaxy and Use Them

Use Ansible Galaxy to download and install 'geerlingguy.haproxy' role in /home/automation/plays/roles.

Create a playbook /home/automation/plays/playbooks/haproxy.yml that runs on servers in the 'proxy' host group and does the following:

  • Use 'geerlingguy.haproxy' role to load balance request between hosts in the 'webservers' host group.
  • Use 'roundrobin' load balancing method.
  • HAProxy backend servers should be configured for HTTP only (port 80).
  • Backend servers should use the IP address from the task 10.
  • Confirm that the firewall is configured to allow all incoming traffic on TCP port 80.

If your playbook works, then doing curl http://node1.ansi.example.com/ should return output from the web server (see task #10). Running the command again should return output from the other web server.

Note: It won't work the same from a web browser

Task 12: Security

Create the playbook /home/automation/plays/playbooks/selinux.yml that runs on hosts in the 'webservers' host group and does the following:

  • Uses the selinux 'RHEL system role' (see note below).
  • Enables 'httpd_can_network_connect' SELinux boolean.
  • The change must survive system reboot.

If you registered your control node with a Red Hat developer subscription, you can install the required package with dnf. Otherwise, an rpm package is available at /home/vagrant/

Task 13: Use Conditionals to Control Play Execution

Create the playbook /home/automation/plays/playbooks/sysctl.yml that runs on all inventory hosts and does the following:

  • If a server has more than 512MB of RAM, then parameter 'vm.swappiness' is set to 10.
  • If a server has less than 512MB of RAM, then the following error message is displayed: 'Server memory less than 512MB'

Task 14: Use Archiving

Create the playbook /home/automation/plays/playbooks/archive.yml that runs on hosts in the 'database' host group and does the following:

  • A file /mnt/mysql_backups/database_list.txt is created that contains the following line: dev,test,qa,prod.
  • A gzip archive of the file /mnt/mysql_backups/database_list.txt is created and stored in /mnt/mysql_backups/archive.gz.

Task 15: Work with Ansible Facts

Create the playbook /home/automation/plays/playbooks/facts.yml that runs on hosts in the 'database' host group and does the following:

  • A custom Ansible fact server_role=mysql is created that can be retrieved from ansible_local.custom.sample_exam when using Ansible setup module.

Task 16: Software Packages

Create the playbook /home/automation/plays/playbooks/packages.yml that runs on all inventory hosts and does the following:

  • Installs 'tcpdump' and 'mailx' packages on hosts in the 'proxy' host groups.
  • Installs 'lsof' and 'mailx' and packages on hosts in the 'database' host groups.

Task 17: Services

Create the playbook /home/automation/plays/playbooks/target.yml that runs on hosts in the 'webservers' host group and does the following:

  • Sets the default boot target to 'multi-user'.
  • Displays a message when the target is already set.

Task 18. Create and Use Templates to Create Customized Configuration Files

Create the playbook /home/automation/plays/playbooks/server_list.yml that does the following:

  • Playbook uses a Jinja2 template server_list.j2 to create a file /etc/server_list.txt on hosts in the 'database' host group.
  • The file /etc/server_list.txt is owned by the 'automation' user.
  • File permissions are set to '0600'.
  • SELinux file label should be set to 'net_conf_t'.
  • The content of the file is a list of FQDNs of all inventory hosts.

After running the playbook, the content of the file /etc/server_list.txt should be the following:

node1.ansi.example.com node2.ansi.example.com node3.ansi.example.com

If the FQDN of any inventory host changes, re-running the playbook should update the file with the new values.